Wedding Guest Style

Vintage Jacques Vert Two Piece Suit
Yes it is that time of the year again when the bells are ringing and the wedding guest start to panic. Well worry no more I am on hand to help, summer weddings in England can be unpredictable… to hot to cold to wet…. and the list goes on. I think that the two piece is the best option not only does it look AMAZING they are also extremely fashionable right now, cute and can be worn again after the wedding. So all round winner then. Above and below are just to options for you, the pale pink Jacques Vert option is perfect for a more formal wedding it can be dressed up even more with great heels and chunky earrings and rings the bigger the better. The 70’s floral two piece below is perfect for the Hippy slightly more casual wedding, again it would look more dressed up with some heels but leave jewellery delicate as the print does the speaking here.