Graffiti Hotel!?!

J’adore J’adore J’adore ! This room by graffiti artist Tilt for the Au Vieux Panier Hotel in France, a luxury hotel who asked 6 different artist to create a room, Tilt’s room is by far our favorite. We love the colours and how he has left half of the room white, almost like dead space. The finishing touch for us is how everything, including half of the bed, windows, curtains and chair have been covered in graffiti. Very cool….. Tilt do you want to graffiti my room????=D 

Au Vieux Panier Hotel France half Graffiti room by Tilt
Au Vieux Panier Hotel France half Graffiti room by Tilt 
Au Vieux Panier Hotel France half Graffiti room by Tilt 
Au Vieux Panier Hotel France half Graffiti room by Tilt