Vintage British Vogue

Vintage Vogue Front Covers 1978
Fancy a flashback to April 1976? I have a copy of British Vogue from that date, its funny to see the differences in fashion and yet the similarities in editorial coverage; food, travel, diets etc. Check out the images below and see what you think.
Vintage Vogue 1978
Vintage Estee Lauder Advert Vogue 1978
Vintage Saint Laurent Menswear Advert Vogue 1978
Vintage Mary Quant Advert Vogue 1978
Vintage BMW Advert in British Vogue 1978
Vintage Vogue 1978
Vintage Vogue 1978
Vintage Vogue 1978
Vintage Vogue 1978
Vintage Vogue 1978

How To Take Your Work To The Next Level

Cool Bookcase

I love reading books, don’t you? All sorts of books from fiction to memoires, I find that they are a great source of inspiration. As you all know I am reading Grace Coddington’s Memoires, I find this book almost impossible to put down, I love her non egotistical personality & whimsical love of fashion.

Colour Block Shoot by Grace Coddington
 One line she wrote which has really stuck with me, “I want to add life to all of my photographs, why just go to a beach, which could be anywhere in the world, and take a photo of a model in some nice clothes?… There needs to be more, research has to be done if your shoot a theme inspired shoot or on location, research will strengthen and develop your ideas, whilst “adding life” to your images”. I think this outlook on her work makes it stands out above other fashion editors in the industry.

Grace Coddington & Annie Leibovitz
Since I have read this I have been looking at fashion shoots and my own work and approach to work in a different way. I see lots of images, mainly adverts but some editorial, that have no life in them, and I quickly flick past. The ones that have something about them make me hover over them for long, lingering to find those add elements of detail that are there waiting for me to be found. I feel excited & the images usually evoke a smile from me, and make me feel like a child again. I love this feeling & I feel that fashion photography/styling should evoke these emotions and sense of fun. 
British Vogue 1967

Adding Life to a photograph can be something as simple as using the unexpected rain, or making use of that dog which pops up from nowhere… So many things that are every day we could overlook them. My aim now is to “add life”, and see what benefits my new outlook has on the end result.
Grace Coddington

What do you think? Do you get what I mean? I would LOVE to hear from you & meet likeminded people, email me @